Consulting Trade & Invesment srl in collaboration with the technical partner Infinity Biotech S.p.A, in this moment of emergency, he makes his team available to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. It carries out Disinfection treatments for the safeguard of collective human health.
All operations are aimed at making the environments healthy. Hydrogen peroxide-based procedures are effective against both viruses and bacteria, with a reduction of up to 99.99% of the main bacterial and viral loads, with the use of an atomizer with saturation of the environment ICUBE mini by Infinity Biotech S.p.A il quale nebulizzando in nanoparticelle di Perossido di Idrogeno stabilizzato, disinfetta qualsiasi ambiente confinato. Con sistema Certificato Ministero della Salute Italiano DGDMF n. 0072553-P .
The type of disinfection allows you to not have to remove anything from the environment to be treated only people, animals and food, the whole procedure takes about 30 minutes after which you can re-enter the environment. This is to actively protect those around us from the risk of contagion it is good to contact expert and qualified personnel! Contact us to receive a quote immediately.
Disinfection certification is issued.
The sanitization system uses a machine, capable of atomising the peroxide-based compound, in such a way as to make its propagation complete on every part of the treated environment. This operation is possible as the machine is able to saturate the treated environments in a short time, thus achieving complete coverage of any type of surface or object in contact with the treated air.
To make the chemical compound used, 7.9% hydrogen peroxide is used, whose stabilization takes place without silver ions. The absence of ions in the stabilization process guarantees the safety of the product towards electrical equipment, being 100% degradable, thanks to the use of oxygen and water as processing products.
Accurate sanitation in a short time
Compared to a traditional sanitizing intervention, performed manually, the advantages are considerable, just think that with 1ml. of product it is possible to saturate 1000 cubic meters of air with an action time of 1 hour.
The delivery of the disinfectant into the environment takes place in such a way as to rapidly increase the contraction of hydrogen peroxide treated in the air.
This disinfectant injection system has the ability to deliver huge quantities of micro particles ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.5 microns, thus exponentially increasing the contact surface, as well as amplifying the disinfection effect, reducing consumption of disinfectant, together with contact and dispensing times.
The compound dispensed based on hydrogen peroxide only spreads evenly on every cm2 of free surface present in the environment and for every volume of air, without generating humidity, corrosion and residues.
The deep penetration of the compound is such as to destroy the bacterial membrane, inhibiting the bacterium itself from regenerating itself. In addition, the small size of the disinfectant compounds increase the nucleation effect at the level of the cytoplasm of micro organisms, which is why the bactericidal effect is increased by 1 million times.
The advantages of treating environments with the described system are considerable and precisely:
The described sanitation systems, in addition to the advantages shown, contribute to respect for the environment, being natural in origin and not producing any polluting element during the treatment of the environments, making them usable again quickly, without having to move equipment, furnishings, etc.
The approval of the new guidelines for the prevention and control of Legionellosis he reiterated theOBLIGATION, for facilities at risk, to proceed with risk assessment linked to infection with legionella and to prepare the relative self-control document.
The Document is mandatory
For all tourist-accommodation activities, and for all activities with the presence of systems that involve misting or moderate heating of the water (showers, aerosols, whirlpools, air conditioning systems, saunas, swimming pools, etc.). The activities mainly concerned are therefore:
- hotels, guesthouses, refuges, campsites, bed & breakfasts, landlords, residences, holiday stays
- farmhouses
- health facilities, rest homes
- swimming pools, gyms, spas, spas and wellness centers, etc.
To comply with the regulations, a plan must be drawn up that contains:
- the appointment of a manager for risk management;
- the risk assessment through a careful analysis in order to identify the critical points;
- the corrective measures to minimize risks and the management of any risk detected;
- water network diagram (if available)
- the Register of Interventions, that is a document that indicates all the maintenance interventions carried out on the water and air conditioning systems
CTA Consulting aims to offer a complete service to support companies in compliance with the various obligations provided for by the DGR 21 July 2008, n. 1115. BUR n.147 - 22 August 2008 in particular:
- assessment of the risk of legionnaires' disease and drafting of the related document required by the DGR 1115/08
- water sampling for research and counting of Legionella on the critical points of the water and air conditioning system identified in the risk assessment process, as required by DGR 1115/08.